Blog Opini

Feminist’s Respond on Pornography (4)

The strengths of pro-sex arguments Most pro-sex feminisms’ arguments are based on the criticism of the anti-pornography point of view that pornography is an important direct cause of violence against women and that it supports misogynist ideology indirectly (Patton 379). Anti-pornography feminisms see patriarchy, violence and discrimination against women as hatred. In their eyes, men […]

Blog Opini

Feminist’s Respond on Pornography (3)

The weaknesses of anti-pornography arguments Anti-pornography feminisms argue that pornography causes violence against women. In my opinion this argument seems weak in some extent because in some cultures although they do not use pornography, violence against women also exists. In other words, banning pornography will not automatically stop the violence. Another reason is that some […]

Blog Opini

Feminist’s Respond on Pornography (2)

The strengths of anti-pornography arguments The strengths of anti-pornography feminists’ arguments are that pornography is a system for degrading women, objectifying women, perpetuating women subordination, and often ignores women’s rights. In the late 1970s, in the US, the anti-pornography movements started to campaign against misogynist, violent sexuality that victimizes and oppresses women such as rape, […]

Blog Opini

Feminist’s Respond on Pornography (1)

Perdebatan RUU APP menuntut para feminis untuk menentukan sikapnya dalam melihat pornografi dan perempuan. Tidak semua feminis mempunyai satu kata tentang Undang-undang pornografi. Anti pornografi feminis berpendapat bahwa pornografi pada dasarnya merendahkan, menimbulkan kekerasan dan menjadikan perempuan sebagai objek sexual. Sementara mereka yang pro-sex berargumen bahwa pornografi adalah salah satu cara untuk melihat sexualitas perempuan […]