If there is no sexuality education from an Islamic perspective, it is possible that Muslims, particularly the younger generation, will be negatively influenced by a misunderstanding of sexuality, and will be more likely to contract sexually transmitted infections and reject Islamic values. Sexuality is an integral part of human culture and life. Sexuality is not […]
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Ketulusan Anak Negeri di Banjir Brisbane
Ratusan orang warga Indonesia dan puluhan ribu warga Australia dan asing lainnya yang berdomisili di kota Brisbane dan sekitarnya kini sudah tidak lagi dikepung banjir. Air banjir yang sempat merendam banyak tempat di kota Brisbane dan sekitarnya, termasuk St.Lucia yang merupakan salah satu kantong komunitas Indonesia di Queensland, sudah surut sejak akhir pekan lalu. Kondisi […]
Alimatul Qibtiyah: An Inspiring Woman
Alim is quite a legend at the University of Northern Iowa, in Cedar Falls, USA. The story of how she came to get her Master’s degree and give birth to her second son, Zihan, on the same day, was reported in the campus magazine as “The Incredible day of Alimatul Qibtiyah”. Alim, one of nine […]